Sunday, December 12, 2010

So much to do, so little time

We moved in!  It's been almost 2 weeks since my last and there is SO much to do.  Piles of boxes everywhere, and not really anywhere to unpack them to yet.  I can't find anything and even making a cup of tea takes half an hour by the time I wash a cup, fill the kettle, empty the teapot etc.

We also decided to rip out the kitchen floor and replace it with yellow tongue chipboard.  It was very patchy and uneven, with a 3 cm height difference from the centre to the walls and there was an old hearth at one end.  Of course things didn't go to plan!  When the floor came off we found the joists were 600 mm apart.  The rest of the house, int and ext walls all had 450 centres, so I assumed the floor did as well. We had to add more joists to stop the boards from bouncing.

And now we have a kitchen installed.  Electrician here monday and plumber wednesday, then it will be fully functional, YAY!!!
Thanks to Jim (red shirt) for giving us his old kitchen, appliances and all.

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